
Company details:
Legal entity name IE Kovaleva Anastasia Vladimirovna
INN 615107571190
Actual address Russia, Moscow, BC “Red October”. Bolotnaya embankment, 3с1
Phone +7 (967) 008 27 86
Alfa Bank details:
Abbreviated company name JSC “ALFA-BANK”
Full brand name in English Joint Stock Company «ALFA-BANK»
Abbreviated corporate name in English AO «ALFA-BANK»
Actual and postal address 107078, Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 27
Telephone (Moscow and region) + 7 495 788-88-78
Telephone (for calls from mobile phones and landlines registered in the regions) 8 800 200-00-00
Central office details
JSC “ALFA-BANK” INN 7728168971
Checkpoint at the location 770801001
KPP of the largest taxpayer 997950001
Cor / account. 30101810200000000593 at the Main Department of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
BIK 044525593
OKPO code: 09610444
OKATO code: 45286565000
OKTMO code: 45378000000
OKVED code: 64.19
OGRN: 1027700067328 (the date of the entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the record on the state registration of a credit institution on July 26, 2002)

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  • With us you can arrange courier delivery personally to any part of the world (the cost depends on the address and weight)
  • Courier delivery in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road
    Delivery time is the same day or the next day.
    Cash payment to the courier. by transfer to a bank card or through a terminal (check in advance)
    With the possibility of fitting.
    Delivery 500 rubles.
  • Courier delivery in Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road
    Delivery time is the same day or the next day.
    Possibility to pay to the courier in cash or by transfer to a bank card.
    With the possibility of fitting.
    The cost is 1000 rubles.
  • Courier delivery in the Moscow region via EMS
    100% prepayment.
    Without the possibility of fitting.
    Cost 350 rubles.